Anchor Distance Coaching

from $150.00 every month

Distance coaching is popular with intermediate and higher level athletes who are looking for more structure, accountability, and some expert eyes on their lifts. With personalized programming, you will build confidence and put more weight on the bar.

You will be paired with one of our four USAPL certified coaches and also become a part of the larger Anchor community in-person at events and online on our private Discord.

When you join, you will receive on-demand coaching, programming, as well as one in-person or live (if not in the central North Carolina area) coaching session during your first month (schedules permitting). The cost is $150-$175 per month.

Days you train per week:
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Anchor Distance Coaching (Week to week)
$37.50 every week
Anchor Distance Coaching: John Fain
$200.00 every month
Anchor Teams
$75.00 every month
Anchor Distance Coaching: Holli Mann
$200.00 every month